Trigger Links Overview


You either successfully used one of our trigger links, or you stopped by to learn what they do.

The first thing you need to know about trigger links is that they do require the end user to land on a destination url. For now, we chose the associated help doc.

Trigger links are dynamic urls generated on the fly and are tied to a specific contact/lead. They can be used in our backend automation to perform very specific actions related to the contact/lead. Basically, the url has special code tied to it that knows every detail about the contact/lead.

Below is a list of trigger links and their very specific function:

  1. DND/Unsubscribe - This will unsubscribe a lead in Lead Fusion. Only use this if the lead asked to be unsubscribed. For now, this will fully unsubscribe to all outreach channels (calls, sms, email, etc) as well as remove any active task that may be in the ISA queue.
  2. Claim - This will remove all future follow ups and outreach including any active task that may be in the ISA queue. It's important to use this when the lead is not dead, but rather you were able to make a positive outcome on your own. We will move this lead out of the ISA pipeline to the Realtor pipeline and be found in the Claimed stage.
  3. Re-Engage - Re-engaging a lead is passing a lead that has been fully qualified and or appointment set, but after reaching out a few times with no success in meeting with them, you need to pass it back to the ISA team to "re-engage". This will remove it from the Realtor Pipeline, and add it to the ISA Pipeline and trigger a follow up in the ISA Queue. It's critical that you give the ISA team a "heads up" on what happened, or didn't happen, by adding notes in the contact field labeled "Note for ISA". This will show up as an alert when the task comes up in front of the ISA. They will need to read first so they know how and when to follow up most appropriately.
  4. Push Notification - This link will ping your phone so you can one-click open the lead up right inside the Lead Fusion mobile app (LeadConnector)

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