How to Unsubscribe a Lead

You either successfully used one of our trigger links, or you stopped by to learn what they do.

The first thing you need to know about trigger links is that they do require the end user to land on a destination url. For now, we chose the associated help doc.

Trigger links are dynamic urls generated on the fly and are tied to a specific contact/lead. They can be used in our backend automation to perform very specific actions related to the contact/lead. Basically, the url has special code tied to it that knows every detail about the contact/lead.

When to Unsubscribe a Lead?

You should only unsubscribe a lead if their response is negative and will absolutely not turn into a potential client. If you spoke to a lead in a positive manner, and want to take over communication, you want to Claim the lead. That will stop communication on our end, but mark it as a positive outcome instead of negative outcome in reporting.

How to claim a lead

  1. The lead will be removed from all outreach campaigns including calls, sms, emails, etc.
  2. Any task already in the ISA call queue will be removed.
  3. Our DND button will be toggled on which will restrict any ISA from initiating contact.

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