How to claim a lead

The first thing you need to know about trigger links is that they do require the end user to land on a destination url. For now, we chose the associated help doc.

Trigger links are dynamic urls generated on the fly and are tied to a specific contact/lead. They can be used in our backend automation to perform very specific actions related to the contact/lead. Basically, the url has special code tied to it that knows every detail about the contact/lead.

  1. Any task that was in the call queue has been removed.
  2. The ISA will no longer follow up on any future follow ups.
  3. In the Opportunities module, the lead has moved from the ISA Pipeline over to the Realtor Pipeline, in the Claimed Stage.
  4. You will now receive notifications for all inbound calls, texts, emails.

How to Claim a Lead
  1. Open up the lead in Lead Fusion
  2. In the left column, go to the "links" section
  3. Open the Claim link in your browser

NOTE: If you do not see this link, the lead was added to Lead Fusion before we launched this feature update. In this case, simply add the "claim" tag to the list of tags. If you have trouble, simple send a message to support and we'd be happy to assist.

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