Send a booked appointment back to Lead Fusion to be Re-Engaged

Lead Fusion: Re-Engage Pipeline/Re Engage a lead

No shows and canceled appointments do happen, and sometime there is nothing that can be done about that. This is why we are more than happy to have you send us back any appointment that Lead Fusion has set for you, in the instance that the Appointment did not go through.

The following steps will walk you thorugh how to send that lead back over to Lead Fusion for your ISA to re book an appointment at their earliest convience.

  1. Inside the Lead Fusion CRM, click on the Opportunities Tab located on the left hand side of the menu bar.
  2. Make sure you are in the Realtor Pipeline view at the top of the page and either search or scroll to find your lead that is currently in the Appointments Set Pipeline.
  3. You easily drag and drop the lead into the Re-Engage Pipeline located at the very end of the pipeline stages listed in your Realtor Pipeline. After you have done this, it will automatically send this lead back into the ISA Pipeline for your ISA to follow back up with from here.

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