ISA Call Campaigns

ISA Call Campaigns

The following will go over the existing Call Campaigns that are available for your ISA to use as needed.

ISA Call ASAP - This Campaign will be put on every single "hot lead" or "new lead" or even sometimes referred to as a "prospecting lead" and it will come into the queue labeled CallASAP. This is meant to be recognized by your ISA as a lead that should be called immediately. The actual campaign only consists of a webhook that send the lead into the queue to be called right away. The ISA will recognize that the lead had not been called before, thus continuing to carry out the first call attempt.

ISA Call Campaign - This is the call campaign that will also get added to every new lead that needs to be set on the Lead Fusion routine call schedule. You can be assured that if this campaign is on, no contact has been made and it is simply set to receive our series of calls that we have planned over the set period of time. This call routine has been statically proved to get the best results and will remain on a lead until contact has been made, only then will our ISA need to set a manual callback accordingly.

  1. Call immediately
  2. Day 2 Call
  3. Day 4 Call
  4. Day 7 Call
  5. Day 15 Call
  6. Day 30 Call
  7. Day 45 Call
  8. Day 50 Call
  9. Day 60 Call

ISA Callback - This campaign will be added once contact with a lead has been made, and your ISA will need to set the next follow up call. This will include an "even timer" where the ISA can pick the day and time the callback will take place. Please note, that when your ISA is dealing with any time sensitive information, he or she is always working inside whatever your time zone may be. This Campaign consists of a webhook which will send the call into our queue on the day and time of the set callback. When an ISA sees this task in the call queue, they will automatically know that this lead has in fact been called prior, and contact had been made.

ISA Scheduled Call - This Campaign is to be used when a lead specifically asks for a callback at an exact time. This campaign is used less frequently as the callback campaign but also includes an event timer. The ISA will set the callback for the specific day and time that the lead asked for us to callback using the event timer and the call will come into the queue using a webbook and will be labeled as a scheduledcall.

ISA Snooze Convo - This Campaign is best used when your ISA is conversing with a lead and simply wants the task or the conversation to come back up for added attention within a short period of time. It is mainly used when messaging someone and your ISA is awaiting their response, but would prefer to not leave the conversation open while they wait. This consists of a webhook.

Sync with Flex - This Campaign consists of a webhook and will send a lead into our call queue as long as there is a name, phone number, lead id, and lead status associated with the lead. Once this campaigns has been applied, it when then show up in the queue for an ISA to proceed accordingly.

Redial Campaign - This Campaign consists of a webhook and sends a lead into our callcenter after the first attempt of calling a new or ASAP lead has been completed, thus now considering it a "redial" call. The lead will show up in the queue as a Redial task and it will let your ISA know that this lead has in fact been called before, but no contact has been made yet.

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