How often we call nurtures

A nurture is defined as any lead we have had 2 way communication with and expressed at least some type of interest/futer intent. We will continue to nurture these leads until we fully convert to a qualified lead, or they tell us to stop reaching out to them. Do note that we must have some sort of communication with a lead in the nurturing status within 8 callback attempts or they will be removed from our nurturing campaign.

One question we get often is "when do we follow up with them next?"

This is a tough question to answer. Many ISA solutions may have some type of formula or simply put them on a weekly, monthly, or yearly follow up plan. Since our ISAs are much more of a high end, highly trained agent, we are able to really gauge when the optimal time to follow back up is based on many important factors.

Factors that determine when we may follow up

  • Time-Frame: When they plan to buy is a big part of determining when we choose to set the next follow up... 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, etc.
  • Demeanor: Our ISAs listen carefully to your leads, their mood, their tone, and their demeanor. We may adjust our follow up appropriately. We may call sooner than later for a lead who's super excited and really hit it off with your ISA. And on the other hand, we may wait longer for a lead who was very clear about phone calls not being appreciated. We know when to "tread lightly" so to speak.
  • Commitment: We also take into consideration their level of commitment. Are they just "kicking tires", or are they planning to start shopping for houses exactly 47 days from today?
  • Hints: Our ISAs will also listen carefully to any hints they give about when they may prefer to be followed up with again. They may drop a subtle hint, or come right out and say it.

We take a lot into consideration when performing our follow ups but be sure to know we are always looking out for your best interest. We know they should start looking several months before they want to be in their new home for example.


  1. A lead won't be ready for 3 months, we haven't fully qualified it (meaning we only have 1 or 2 bits of info), but we know they do plan to buy. It's a nurture for now. This lead will likely be called at LEAST 2 times if they answer, once per month. If they don't answer one month after the last call, we would try again after a few days and repeat that a few times until we get them. ***this does depend on factors listed above
  2. A lead plans to buy in 9 months and we have all their info. (long terms nurtures over 6 month we will nurture even if qualified unless we set the appointment). In this scenario, we would likely call this lead in 2-3 months, then 1-2 months, then 3-5 weeks, then weekly but again all depending on factors listed above and whether they answer and when they answer. If they answer each time, likely this schedule. If not, we would redial a couple extra times for each of the times listed here.

If you ever have any questions, please always feel free to reach support by email at by sms at 704-741-7228 or FB Messenger.

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