What to do with appointment no shows

With the average closing ratio for internet leads being about 2%, we at Lead Fusion strive to set as many appointments as possible to allow for most to not work out. Our average total appointments set % is currently 8%. This mean count on 75% of your appointments to not show up, ghost you, end up working with another realtor, etc.

We know it stinks to be stood up, but as long as we do anything we can think of to minimize the no shows and take a strategic approach with the no shows, we should have no problems closing 2% of total internet leads.

Here's some things to try, in effort to minimize the no shows:

  • Be sure to confirm. Read on for more details on strategy but definitely reach out by phone, email AND text until you are sure you know their preferred method or the channel they most often respond to.
  • Try not to ASK if the lead is still on for the pending appointment. If your ISA schedules a "pending appointment" for Saturday 2pm, and you are available and can make the original pending appointment, consider a simple text saying you CAN make it and will see them then. On the day of the appointment, let them know about 30 minutes before the meeting you are on your way and will be early but see you at 2pm. This will create a sense of urgency.
  • Remind them why you are meeting in person. Our ISAs ALWAYS create some type of reason for the appointment. The reason is some type of item of value and the most common is a helpful, hand-picked list of every available listing matching all their criteria. So somewhere while confirming the appointment or letting them know you are on the way, mention you will have the hand-picked list with you and looking forward to going over some of the best deals.

What to do when you get a cancellation or a no show:

  • Handle no shows and cancellations delicately.
  • When a lead just doesn't show up, they will likely be embarrassed to hear from you unless we take a very strategic and careful approach.
  • When a lead cancels, there is often a reason they are not sharing with us such as they have a realtor they didn't mention or they forgot the value we promised you will bring to them. Remind them how you already put the helpful list together, or the CMA together then offer a couple more days/times and ask which would work better for them.
  • Let them know you had work to do wherever the meeting was to be held and that you know things come up again, and that you still would love to go over that helpful list you put together for them another time. Then let them know you have 2 times available and ask which of those would be more convenient for them. This strategy will really make you look good, make them feel less awkward, and increase your chances of turning a no show back into a potential deal.

Example Scripts

Confirming a pending appointment
Hi #LEAD, it's #AGENT over at #COMPANY. My assistant let me know you were able to meet Saturday 2pm and after checking my schedule, I am free and putting together that helpful list for you. Looking forward to meeting you Saturday!
On the way message
Hi #LEAD, it's #AGENT over at #COMPANY. I'm heading over to #MEETINGPLACE at #ADDRESS and may be a little early but I have the hand-picked list of homes (or full market analysis) with me. Looking forward to meeting and going over that with you.
Confirming a pending appointment for another time
Hi #LEAD, it's #AGENT over at #COMPANY. My assistant let me know you were able to meet Saturday 2pm and after checking my schedule I have another showing but available Thursday and Saturday. Would Thursday at 6:30 or Saturday at 11am work better for you?
Rescheduling a no show or cancellation
Hey #LEAD, I'm at the meeting place for our 2pm but have some work i'm getting done so no worries if you can't make it. I do have the hand picked list (or full market analysis) I put together for you. I have Sunday and Monday available. Is Sunday at 3 or Monday at 6 better for you?

If you ever have questions or even input on any of our articles, we are constantly updating them as our ISAs learn new tricks or ideas that we test and prove so feel free to always reach out by clicking the Contact button at the top right, or send an email to support@myleadfusion.com or text 704-703-1279

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