How many appointments turn into a closing?

As an ISA business, we love nothing more than setting appointments. Lead Fusion sets a shockingly high number of IN-PERSON appointments but this doesn't mean each one should result in a commission check. I wish though, we'd all be filthy rich! In reality, not even half should be expected to turn into a commission check.


Most research will result in finding that the average realtor should be converting at least 2% of total leads into closings. Most realtors struggle converting 1% or more though. That's where we come in. Our purpose here at Lead Fusion is to do whatever possible to double your conversion rates to at least 2%.

Here are some huge variables to consider
  • Type of Market
  • Price point
  • Market Conditions
  • Realtor Saturation
  • Buyer/Seller Market
  • Your Approach/Strategy
  • Lead Type (This is a big one and just an example)
    • Zillow - We may convert as 20% or more zillow leads into appointments and end up with a 6% closing rate.
    • FB Leads - You will see half that or less but the cost per lead is far less than Zillow.

Either way, for this article we will use the conservative 2% conversion rate.

Our Stats

We set an average of 7-9% appointments set at any given time. Let's use 8% to keep things simple.

If we set 8 appointments from your first 100 leads, here's what to expect:

  1. We set 8 appointments for you
  2. You follow up via phone, sms, email to confirm
  3. Half you will never meet due to ghosting, no show, etc.
  4. You meet with 4
  5. 2 you meet with change their mind or end up using their niece's friend's, cousin, Sally
  6. 2 turn into a deal

Real Estate leads are are among the most difficult to convert. Don't get discouraged when a large majority of your appointments never answer. However, ALWAYS be working on the strategy used to approach them. Check out this article on

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