Pause Plans

Lead Fusion Pause Plans: 

  • Option 1: Callbacks & Updates $97/mo - This plan ensures all existing callbacks that we have scheduled for your existing leads in the account will continue as normal. This means that any current leads that we have contacted and who are scheduled to recieve a callback will continue to get calls, texts, and emails. Your account is also included in the ongoing updates routinely performed.

  • Option 2: Live & Updates $25/mo - This plan simply keeps the account live for as long as needed. You will receive forwarded inbound calls, sms, and emails if there are any so that nothing gets missed. The account will also get included in ongoing updates.

AdFusion Pause Plan:

This pause plans allows you to keep the ads ready to go for when you need them again, minimizing losing momentium. We do charge a $25/mo pause fee for all AdFusion plans.

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