How to Turn a Facebook Ad On or Off

How to Turn a Facebook Ad On or Off

Facebook ads can be stopped at any time. You can turn your campaigns, ad sets or ads on or off at any time to control their delivery. You can also check the delivery of the campaign, ad set or ad by looking at the toggle next to it:

  • Your campaign, ad set or ad is on.
  • Your campaign, ad set or ad is off.
    Before you begin
  • Turning off a campaign, ad set or ad doesn't delete it.
  • Turning off a campaign turns off any ad set or ad in that campaign.
  • If you can't turn on your campaign, ad set or ad again, try to reset your account spending limit or update your payment information.
    How to turn your Facebook ad on or off

To turn your ad on or off in Ads Manager:

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Select CampaignsAd Sets or Ads.
  3. Click the toggle next to each campaign, ad set or ad you want to turn on or off.

Note: Keep in mind that when the status is blue  the ad is on and when the status is gray  the ad is off.

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