Adding Leads Into The Lead Fusion Funnel

How To Add Leads Into The Lead Fusion Funnel

In order for your leads to be allowed to enter into our Lead Fusion Funnel, they will have to be given the hashtag leadfusion upon lead capture. This means that what ever the lead source is that you are using, they will need to be contacted and asked to add the proper hashtag for you so that when the lead comes into your CRM, it will already have the hashtag lead fusion and will be good to go!

This does not mean that you can just add the leadfusion hashtag to any lead. If the lead already exists and that hashtag is added it will not work, it is dependent on the tag being added beforehand.

We also have a custom hashtag filter option if your lead source has told you that they cannot add this hashtag upon lead capture. We can add a custom hashtag filter as long as there is a definitive hashtag that we can add such as the lead source, etc. We would then allow for those leads to come into our funnel via our custom filter using whatever lead source they are coming in from.

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