Outlook Calendar Syncing


Outlook Integration works only for Teams Calendar.

You can read and write calendar events to outlook. Only one outlook account can be connected to one user in a single location.

Note: Only Office 365, Outlook.com, live.com, or hotmail calendars are supported

How to connect to Outlook Integration?

Navigate to Settings >> Profile and you will find Integrations section and you can connect the outlook account from there.

Note: Logged in user should be part of the location and only in that case you can find the Profile in Settings menu.

How to configure my calendar to use outlook integration?

Navigate to Settings >> My Profile and you will find Calendar Configuration and in Calendar configuration you have 2 segments.

  1. Primary Calendar : It reads all the calendar events from google/outlook and it writes all the appointments to outlook/google.
  2. Check for conflicts : It only reads calendar events from google/outlook.

Primary Calendar Configuration :

Click on edit button under Primary calendar and you can select your outlook account and you'll find all your outlook calendars in the dropdown and you can select one of the calendars to which you want to read and write.

Check for Conflicts Configuration:

Click on edit button under check for conflicts and you'll find all your calendars inside Outlook account and you can select calendar that you want to check for conflicts from


1) Will outlook integration work in unassigned calendars?

Ans : No, it only works for team calendars.

2) Can I connect two different outlook accounts in one location to one user?

Ans : No, you can connect only one outlook account to one user in a location.

3) System is not allowing me to connect an outlook account to a user which is already connected by a different user. If that is functionality can you guys give me a workaround for the same

Ans: Yes, one outlook account can be connected to one single user in any number of locations, but the same outlook account can't be connected to a different user, however, we are showing a detailed message for same.

Sample Message:


Connect a new outlook account to User B and share that particular outlook calendar from already connected outlook account of User A to the new outlook account of USER B.

4) I'm admin, can I connect outlook integration to agents from Team Management?

Ans : No, as of now you have to login to system with Agents account and connect outlook and then you can configure Primary and calendar configuration from Team management.

5) Can I use both google calendar and outlook calendar at same time?

Ans : Yes, you can use both google and outlook at same time. You can configure primary calendar to outlook and Check for conflicts from google, outlook and vice-versa.

6) Can I write appointments to both google and outlook at same time for one single user in a location?

And: No, you can write appointments to only one calendar at a time.

Please be noted:

  • For recurring meetings, system will only sync the first event in the series. If any event is changed in series it will not sync back to system.
  • Once you disconnect outlook integration , we automatically remove the outlook calendars that are connected in primary calendar and in check for conflicts calendar.

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